
Physical Education (PE)

Physical Education (PE) is to educate students through physical activities. It aims to develop students’ physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active and healthy lifestyle. Our vision aims to provide all children with a pleasant and well-structured PE knowledge to help our students develop an active and healthy lifestyle. Our PE lessons comprises holistic education for the development of personality of the child to its fullest and perfection in body, mind and spirit through engaging in regular physical activities. Our progressive school curriculum ensures skills are developed through the following topics: Fundamental movements, rhythm gymnastics, athletics, lacrosse, cricket, basketball, badminton, football, dance, archery, cycling, dodgeball, dodge bee, tennis and handball. In addition, it is essential that all children develop an understanding of a healthy lifestyle and make connections between physical health and a healthy mind with the aim that children can have commitment to mindful eating and exercise.